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PWS104 微量水分测定仪采用卡尔费休库仑滴定方法,人机界面友好,240*64蓝屏液晶显示,全中文菜单,通过仪 器自带计算公式,可以直接显示样品的含水百分率,检测电路采用了先进的数字处理技术,克服了传统仪器存在的温度漂移和电源电压波动对测试过程的干扰,提高了测试的精度和灵敏度。整机采用*的无继电器工艺设计,*消除了记忆继电器触点氧化带来的隐患,延长了仪器的使用寿命。


  • PWS104微量水分测定仪优惠的详细资料:


PWS104 微量水分测定仪采用卡尔费休库仑滴定方法,人机界面友好,240*64蓝屏液晶显示,全中文菜单,通过仪 器自带计算公式,可以直接显示样品的含水百分率,检测电路采用了先进的数字处理技术,克服了传统仪器存在的温度漂移和电源电压波动对测试过程的干扰,提高了测试的精度和灵敏度。整机采用*的无继电器工艺设计,*消除了记忆继电器触点氧化带来的隐患,延长了仪器的使用寿命。备有打印机接口,用户可根据需要选配微型打印机,以便留存数据。已广泛应用于电力、石油、化工、医药等部门,是我公司推出的性价比很高的产品之一。


技术参数 :
显 示 : 240*64 点阵液晶蓝屏
测量方式 : 卡尔费休库仑滴定
测量范围 : 3μg~100mg
灵 敏 度 : 0.1μg
准 确 度 : 3μg~1mg ±2μg 1mg~100mg ±0.2% (不含进样误差)
时 钟 : 电不丢失时钟,年、月、日、星期、时、分、秒,可以保存10年
适用环境温度: 0-50℃
适用环境湿度: ≤85%
功 率 : 30W
外形尺寸 : 300*250*100


1、 GB/T7600-1987 《运行中变压器油水分含量测定法(库仑法)》
2、 GB6283-1982 《化工产品中水分含量的测定卡尔费休法(通用方法)》
3、 SH/T0246 《轻质石油产品中水含量测定法(电量法)》
4、 GB/T11133-1989 《液体石油产品中水含量测定方法(卡尔费休法)》
5、 GB/T7380-1995 《表面活性剂含水量的测定(卡尔费休法)》
6、 GB10670-1989 《工业用氟代甲烷类中微量水分的测定卡尔费休法》
7、 GB10670-1989 《工业用氟代甲烷类中微量水分的测定》
8、 GB/T606-2003 《化学试剂水分测定通用方法卡尔费休法》
9、 GB/T8350-2001 《变性燃料乙醇》
11、GB/T6023-1999 《工业用丁二烯中微量水分的测定卡尔费休库仑法》
2.戊烷、己烷、二甲基丁烷、辛烷、十二烷、二十碳烷、二十八烷、环十二烷、癸基环己烷、甲基丁二烯、苯、甲苯、二甲苯、乙基甲苯、二甲基苯乙烯、十四烯、石油醚、环己胺、甲基环己胺、环庚 烷、乙烯环己胺、二环戊二烯、二甲基萘、*基苯乙烯、联苯、二氢苊、芴、亚甲基菲、异甲基异丙基苯等。
3.酚类 苯酚、甲酚、氟苯酚、氯酚、二氯苯酚、硝基酚等
4.醚类 二乙、二甘醇单甲醚、二甘醇二乙、聚乙二醚、苯甲醚、氟苯甲醚、碘苯甲醚、二癸醚、二庚醚

PWS104 trace moisture analyzer
PWS104 trace moisture analyzer using a Karl Fischer coulometric titration methods, friendly interface, 240 * 64 blue LCD display, full Chinese menu, is calculated by the instrument comes directly display the percentage of water content of the sample, the detection circuit uses advanced digital processing technology to overcome the traditional instrument temperature drift and supply voltage fluctuations interfere with the testing process, improve the accuracy and sensitivity of the test. The whole the unique free relay process design, compley eliminate the hidden dangers of memory relay contact oxidation, and extend the life of the instrument. Unique reagents failure detection function, automatically alert the user to the timely replacement of failed reagents, the reagent utilization is increased. Equipped with a printer interface, the user may need to matching miniature printer in order to retain data. Has been widely used in electric power, petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical and other departments, I introduced one of the products of the high cost.
Technical parameters:
Display: 240 * 64 dot matrix LCD blue
Measurement Method: Karl Fischer coulometric titration
Measuring range: 3μg ~ 100mg
Sensitivity: 0.1μg
The accuracy: 3μg to 1mg ± 2μg 1mg to 100mg ± 0.2% (excluding injection error)
Clock: electricity without losing clock, year, month, date, day, hours, minutes, seconds, can be kept for 10 years
Applicable ambient temperature: 0-50 ℃
Applicable environmental humidity: ≤ 85%
Power: 30W
Dimensions: 300 * 250 * 100
Using the standard:
1, GB/T7600-1987 "in transformer oils Determination of water content (coulometry)
GB6283-1982 "Chemical products Determination of moisture content - Karl Fischer method (general method)
3, SH/T0246 "Determination of the water content of light petroleum products (power law)
4, GB/T11133-1989 "liquid petroleum products - Determination of water content (Karl Fischer method)
5, GB/T7380-1995 "surface active agents - Determination of water content (Karl Fischer method)
6, GB10670-1989 "Determination of trace water industry fluoromethanes class Karl Fischer method
7, GB10670-1989 "Industrial Determination of trace water fluoromethanes class"
8, GB/T606-2003 "General method for the determination of chemical reagents moisture Karl Fischer method
9, GB/T8350-2001 "denatured fuel ethanol
10, GB/T3776.1-1983 "pesticide emulsifier Water Determination Act
11, GB/T6023-1999 "industrial butadiene in the determination of trace moisture Karl Fischer coulometry
Can detect the type of material comprising:
1. Gasoline, hydraulic oil, insulating oil, transformer oil, turbine oil, anti-fuel.
2. Pentane, hexane, dimethyl butane, octane, dodecane, eicosenoic alkoxy, octacosanoic, cyclododecane, decyl cyclohexane, dimethyl butadiene, benzene, toluene, xylene, ethyl toluene, dimethyl styrene, tetradecene, petroleum ether, cyclohexylamine, methylcyclohexylamine, cycloheptane, ethylene cyclohexylamine, dicyclopentadiene, dimethylnaphthalene, trimethyl styrene, biphenyl, acenaphthene, fluorene, methylenedioxy-phenanthrene, isobutyl methyl cumene like.
3. Phenols, phenol, cresol, fluorophenol, chlorophenol, dichlorophenol, nitro phenol, etc.
4. Ethers such as diethyl ether, diethylene glycol monomethyl ether, diethylene glycol dimethyl ether, polyethylene glycol ether, anisole, fluoroanisole, iodo anisole, didecyl ether, diheptyl ether
5. All alcohols, halogenated hydrocarbons, all lipids

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